The Explorer Travel Co
We Are Coming
Who We Are
Hello everyone! For those of you I haven’t had the chance to meet yet, let me introduce myself. My name is Sarah Newbanks and I am opening a travel agency called The Explorer Travel Co. Although I may be new to the business, I am certainly no stranger to travel! Those who know me know I have always just gotten back or am getting ready to go somewhere. Last year, my trips included: Alaska, where we got to see the Northern Lights and made a visit to the Arctic Circle; the Dominican Republic, where we did some snorkeling and

saw where Christopher Columbus lived; Costa Rica, where we hiked through the rain forest to see sloths, monkeys, birds, and even got a little too close for comfort to a poison dart frog!; Mexico, for a calm and relaxing solo trip that had some amazing foods; and I finished the year with a multi-generational family trip to San Antonio, TX where we toured the Spanish Missions and explored the Riverwalk. All these great trips are examples to show you I know what makes a trip wonderful.
The friends or family you travel with and the experiences you have while at your destination create memories to last a lifetime. When you have a smooth trip and arrive in a great hotel or step onto an amazing ship, it sets up your vacation to be something you will remember for years to come. You may not remember all the details of the meeting you were in last year but a vacation from last year, I bet you remember all about that!
With something this important, that you are taking time off work for, or saving up for, or spending so much time planning for… don’t you want to make sure it’s the best it can be? That’s why you hire a travel advisor! Contrary to what many believe, a trip with a travel advisor is not going to be more expensive. What it will be is carefully curated with your guests’ interests and desires in mind, with special features added and amenities you would not receive if you planned the trip yourself. A travel advisor has connections and resources to add those special touches to your trip to make it even more memorable. Not to mention they do the planning and booking for you!
I am so excited to be able to help others have amazing vacations to some beautiful locations and make lasting memories with their loved ones. Whether celebrating a special occasion, enjoying time with family, spouse, or friends, or visiting that bucket list – dream spot, I can’t wait to be able to help you! The Explorer Travel Co will be opening in mid-March with a ribbon cutting and open house March 23rd from 4-6 pm at our downtown Sullivan location at 110 W Main St. I can’t wait to provide the extra that makes your trip extraordinary! Keep an eye out for more information to come on our social media and our website.
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